Keep up to date through out the day? Have a 1-look overview of all updates? Pick 1. That's what "email digests" means. You get to read only 1 single email containing all the updates - BUT you only get them at the end of the day. That may suit some people, but not me.

So RssFwd has a new feature today. Introducing a clustered view that allow readers to have the best of both worlds! With the help from Gmail of course (and any other e-mail program that has grown up to implement threading intelligently). To enable, just tick the "clustered" option at preview page.

RssFwd messages clustered in Gmail

You get the benefit of keeping up to date wheneva you want to - the individual updates just keeps flowing in as individual emails. Additionally, you get the benefit of a reading everything on a single page when you choose to (end of day, start of day, end of week,... your pick!)

RssFwd messages clustered in Gmail (inside)

RssFwd is attempting to de-throne Google's own, /cackle, and be the defacto RSS reader on Gmail. Hm, then again.. Google Reader was never meant to integrate with Gmail was it?