How's Puffin gonna do it?
Lemme see.. in order to be fast, well integrated UI... Puffin will hafta..
1. Indexing
a) Background / Screen-saver indexing of your harddisk (boring.. )2. Searching: Indexes will be several times larger than the content itself, so where are all these gonna be residing?
b) 1-time indexing 'wizard' when installing (boring.. )
c) All of the above, plus newly created/updated files are monitored and indexed as per Anti-virus does.
a) Google will host, so Puffin actually searches your indexes online (hosted by Google). So, your harddisk search will be as slow as your google search.. (*ringgggggggg* privacy alarms goes off) but that's still faster than searching for anything in your hddisk now!
Any bright ideas anyone?