Regarding KRJS, I've been asked "Hmm.. so you moved the javascript to the controller... what's the benefit?". I'll try to briefly illustrate the benefits here with some Rails/RJS code - the codes in this example are broken, bugs or simply wrong but that's not the point - hopefully you'll get the drift.

The Problem: Given a textfield and a blank div in Rails, let's do a google suggest-ish feature
<%= text_field_tag 'query' %>
<div id="placeholder"></div>

Method #1
1. observe your textfield with javascript:
  // every 3 seconds, check changes typed into textfield
  my_observer('query', 3, 'my_call_to_server');

  // when called, sends server a request and updates HTML with
  // response data
  function my_call_to_server(query) {
    data = Ajax.get("http://host:port/my_script?query=" + query);
    getElementById('placeholder').innerHtml = data;

But let's be fair, with Rails can cut it down and even get cross-browser compatibility:
  { :url => { :action => ' my_script'},
  :frequency => 3,
  :with =>'query',
  :update => ' placeholder')

2. Next, handle the Ajax.get on server and spits out HTML.
def my_script
  search_results  = search_for(params['query'])
  render text: => search_results.to_html

Notice the bold portions, these will come back to haunt you when you have many ajax pages - because you're forced to tie up the whole logic (observe 'query' every 3 seconds, send to server 'my_script', update 'placeholder') all inside the HTML template. Dang! These will haunt you when you need to change or add logic (I'm sure you've experienced it before)

Method #2
1. Again, observe your textfield (notice the omitted :update option)
observe_field('query ',
  { :url => { :action => 'my_script '},
  :frequency => 3,
  :with =>' query')

2. Handle the Ajax.get on server and use RJS to spit out JS (calling page will execute):
def my_script
  search_results  = search_for(params['query'])
  render update do |page|
    page.replace_html :placeholder, search_results.to_html

    # 2 new whiz-bang features!

    page.replace_html :title, "Suggestions for #{params['query']}"
    page.hide :advertisement_div if
      User.find(@session[:user_id]).name == 'George'


Notice lesser amount of bold portions in the template? No more hard coding to update 'placeholder', we're saying it only at the server side. In fact, its so easy to add more / change JS events with RJS, that I had easily added 2 extra features without any the template changes! To introduce / change features in method #1, you would have to modify the html template.

Now, notice that last extra feature... It roughly means "Find current user in database, if the name is George, send an extra javascript event to hide the advertisement div ". Imagine the code you have to juggle if we're doing this on client side (method #1)!!

Method #3
NOW.. Let's have fun with KRJS
2. Handle the Ajax.get on server and use RJS to spit out JS (calling page will execute):
def on_query_change_3
  # same code as method #2...

Hey! There's no Step 1(tm). And step 2 is identical to method #2 (all benefits of RJS) except that our function has a specific naming convention. Absolutely no need to touch your template at all! The necessary javascripts in the HTML are inserted automatically when the template is rendered.

Let's say we decide to change the JS event to onblur instead of observing every 3 seconds... come, think what has to be done if we're using method #1 or #2? Ready? Change 1 file? 2 files? remove observe_field method, and replace with onblur event?...

In KRJS, you simply rename your controller handler:
def on_query_blur
  # same code as method #2...

Now, its not really performant right now... the time-savings is mostly conceptual as well as on the development time. The exact implementation could be evolved, no issue:

  • detect external on_xxx.rjs files instead of clogging the controller with on_xxx methods 
  • different behavior when in production mode
  • rake task to compile for production (faster to render)

With KRJS, I can see lots of code-cutting with the many RJS examples out there. Patches are welcome