RailsConf: Dave Thomas Keynote
The western father of Ruby, Dave Thomas, gave the opening keynote highlighting 3 unsolved problems in Rails (paying tribute to the 23 problems of mathematics)
- Database Integration:
- ActiveRecord models to extract has_many, belongs_to, etc relationships directly from foreign keys,
- Migrations to absorb validation declarations: validates_presence_of, validates_numericality_of...
- Real-world CRUD (Scaffold)
- Handles models' relationships
- In-browser validation
- Skinning
- Deployment: Splitting Capistrano to 2
- Server capistrano declares policies and support
- Client capistrano declares what is needed (i.e.dependencies)
I'm sure I missed out some. So, there you go, a todo-list for Railers. Too bad RailsDay is over. A motivated 24-hour crunch is good for doing unsexy stuff like these.
And yea, I'll agree with Dave there, I mentioned this on e27 just the other day: Ruby corrupted me! I'm looking at Ruby code all day these days... and every other language source code is beginning to look so.. so ugly...
Session's startin. See ya.