Better B
Stop handling HTTP requests with HTTP response
Null Is Maligned
Re: Statically Typing Big Erratic JSON
Re: The User Wizard Scenario
Awkward error handling is a code smell
Make bugs into type errors
What does it mean by `Html Msg`?
Code Usability
The Elm Json Decoder "Object"
Database Schema Migration
Getting from A to B
Rails Hiatus
File Uploads 2015
A New Plan for Spam: Turing
Robot Vacuum Cleaner
Better incoming email handling for your webapp
Connecting Dots
Learn hacking, not ABCs
TDD for Those Who Don't Need It
Nokia Lumia 800
Ruby for Rails Beginners
Giving Feedback On A Design You Are Paying For
FOAF Rewards
So love this film
Lightbox, Thickbox, Greybox - Ugh
"Go away or I will replace you with a very small shell script" v2
Poor Man's Trends
Ruby on Rails - Sharing Session for Singapore PHP User Group
No Template is the Best Template
Information overload? Read Later!
A Clearer Layout For Viewing Timezones
Singapore-RB meetup: OAuth4R Presentation PDF
The "No Special Case" Pattern
Learning Web Development
Lesson #1 after using the iPhone: Automatic Orientation
Automated self.down in Rails Migrations
Unproductive Day
Black Magick
Just another day in paradise
SharedCopy gets an upgrade
True False parameters
Using PC keyboard on MacBook Pro (aka swapping Cmd and Option keys)
A painful lesson for myself to remember
24hr Programming Competition in SG
Tiong Bahru Estate: Where are the Privates and where are the HDBs?
Looking for 2 x Developers, preferably Ruby On Rails
Migrating Typo to Typepad
Let there be "Rails Distributions"
RssFwd is now part of Blue Sky Factory
Drop that AJAX.. step back and listen up. NOW
SharedCopy calls you back
Upload a Logo get Color Scheme
Now I've finally gotten this out of the way...
Apollo! And its a Slingshot back to your Desktop
SharedCopy + WebMarker
Netbeans6 + Ruby
As easy as passing on a link
Retrieving a sensible file extension for a given MIME string in Rails
Class (re)definition in method body
ActiveRecord: Optimistic Offline Lock
RMagick: Rendering a chunk of lengthy text into a fixed size image, with a selected font color
Repurposing The Web
Yea, its startups and demos time!
Assumptions about RSS-to-Email as archives
Its 2007 and my phone is still charging stupidly!
Role Playing
RssFwd: Better cluster template, better auto-discovery. Better.
Its that time of the year. Again.
To Hell and Back
The Real Google RSS Reader
Yet Another Tool To Program In Workflow
Wash, Iron, F..., Etc
Designer-Developer Gulf
Spamming also needs to be learnt
*BEEP!* Substitution
Todo: Compiled KRJS
Quoted-Printable: Bitten for the N-th time!
Rails 1.1.5 Brouhaha
Rails: Calling render() outside your Controllers
USB Paranoia
Synergy: One keyboard (and mouse) to rule them all
Automating Tasks: Data Migrations
Simplify, simplify...
Every few years, some shit must happen
Singapore Ruby Brigade
Are you an elephant in a circus too?
Sorry U-Zyn
RailsConf 2006 End Note
KRJS Explained
RailsConf: Martin Fowler Keynote
RailsConf: Dave Thomas Keynote
Back from E27, Off to Chicago
Essential Webdev Tools: Firebug
KRJS: RJS without messing the Views
(Not) Managing Software Developers
Bye bye, G-Buy
Dirty Little Secret
Google Toolbar for RssFwd
Version Control: That missing module in CS101
Firefox View-Source
The Code Breakers
Margin at Aljunied was decisive
E-mail Digest is so Old School
God giveth; God taketh away
RssFwd Blocked In China?
Peeking at the Browser's History
Re: Additional Thoughts on Why Ruby isn't ready for the Enterprise...
People, Process, Tools?
Bandwidth Ceiling Hit
Notes from Rails Bootcamp @ SMU
Mini Rails Camp in Singapore
1 Click Writely?
World Wide Web... meet Copy and Paste
Question: Why don't elevators indicate which floor it is going to?
My Own Singapore Media
Tailrank: Personalised "Google News" for Blogs
Krugle: Finding Code
Yea. Blogs Need Email
link_to_block in Rails?
Google Local Singapore?
The Extra Step: Email Verification
Composite Blocking List?
Psychic Playlist
A Glitch. Service Disruption.
What's the easiest way to learn Ajax?
Crazy thoughts: A Rails Distribution
Translate from?
JDWP is underrated. Why?
Browser-based Application
The Orange Icon
RailsConf 2006
FAQ: As a publisher, will I have access to the email addresses of my subscribers (like FeedBlitz does)?
Huh? DVD Jon couldn't get a job in SG?
Picking up the good habit of Testing
RssFwd Migration
How to Make 1 Million Friends on MySpace
Text-only emails
html2text function in Ruby
Oh, btw you might also like...
The Wake-up-Call Book Arrived :-)
Not Your Everyday Photograph of an Eclipse
I Spy With My Little Eye...
And That's Why He's Hired To Blog...
An Obvious Idea. Doh!
RailsFS! Neat!
RssFwd Now Supports Enclosures (aka Podcasts)
Singapore Makan Places - Google Style
RssFwd Optimized To Per Hour Polling
What A Pretty Ad
Hello [Real-Time Rendered Cinematic] World
SproutIt + RssFwd
RssFwd an "app-less" web-app?
Real-Life Competitor's Ad Filter?
Yanime In SourceForge
Yanime: Now, Its Purely Code
I Love the Comex PC Show
Its Not About India, or China. Its You. You. You. You!
Love It When Others Articulate For You
Google Earth Virtual Tour
What's the Big Deal that Rake is expressed in Ruby, not XML?
Bye Bye Desktop E-mail!
Another Third Voice
Google Talking
Brilliant Web App
Learning from The Apprentice
Export or Manage Your Rssfwd Subscriptions
RssFwd is sick today
When you have too much time...
Double Happiness!
I must say again...
Firefox: View Selection Source (i.e. see Javascript modified HTML)
Rssfwd Makeover
What Business Can Learn From Open Source
I *Heart* Scripting Language
Life imitates Fiction
Re: Up or down?
Lighter Frontpage for Rssfwd
[Update] A Call For Help From Xiaxue, and now WonkyTong??
Corporate Site: About Us?
The day ST said Bad Word
Occasionally Connected Web Applications
Ruby has Rails, Python now has Django
Transformers Movie!
Rssfwd: Special treatment for laggards
Rails Q&A
Desktop Linux. Still Don't Get It.
Rails. The 2nd Movie. Watch it, or be Irrelevant
Bittorrent the Protocol
Do you know a consistent UI when you see one?
Rssfwd Fixes
How long more?
Funny Army Rant
User Experience on the Web
OpenSolaris website may be hacked soon
As Things Turn Out...
Wrong Fight
Creative Bashing
Bloggers.SG - Singapore Bloggercon Episode I
I Love A Good Theory: Why Apple + Intel, by I, Cringely
Local Talent
Railsday Aftermath
Woot! We're Picked!
You Have Arrived, Firefox
Not Doing Housework
HOWTO provide GUI feedback when a Job is completed
So many things.. so little time...
Rssfwd was Down
Yahoo Music Engine? [updated]
Writing Defensively: Making Wrong Code Look Wrong
David got his wish. Kind of.
Amazing Self-Replication Robots
Why org.eclipse.jdt.launching.DEFAULT_CLASSPATH is always TRUE? And more on launching Ant tasks programmatically...
Implementing Feature Project add-on to an Eclipse Plugin Project
Space-Time Interface
Modified Newsmasher: Tagsurfeit
As Adam Curry Put It... 'Your DJ Has Only Just Begun'
Why your single, available girl friends should hookup with a geeks
Mobility. There May Be Hope Yet
Recovering from Post-Reservist Syndrome
Boy, Interrupted
Kewwwwl... Every New Gmail Anniversary Feature Is Almost Like An April Fool's Joke..
You have a Camera (Phone) ? [Update]
Newsmashing.. aka 3rd Voice Redux
When You Feel Down.. And You Are Wearing A Frown.. [Update]
Leaders Talking
Nice intuitive interface for selecting Timezone
Never Underestimate The Power Of 'It Just Works'
I'm Impressed With Localbrand.Net [Update]
I Didn't Know (Part II)
Most basic, foundation understanding of Eclipse framework before diving to anything else..
Bad Day At Customs? Say "I Blog"
Oooh.. a first
A Blog Before Marriage
Bad Aircon
Congrats Activate!
(Almost) Tata Ta-da. Hello Basecamp
The Framework For Editing XML Document
In Other News..
Would You Like To Go To The Movies.Com With Me?
I May Just See ZOIDS In This Lifetime. [Update]
Define: Stupid
Rocket Citizens Boleh!
New Media Consumption Habits
Sample Eclipse Action (with Keybindings) in a Existing Menu
HOWTO get the Real, Physical Path from linkedResources (IPath)
HOWTO Add Accelerator Keys, aka Keyboard Shortcuts, aka Keybindings to Your Eclipse Plugin
Putting Money Where Your Mouth Is
What-I-Want-This-{enter special occasion}
Gee Wish for Reading RSS
Respect Encoding
Linux and NTUC
P for Parody
A Delicious Little Tour
Another '*-ster' Is Rocking The Boat
Raising Funds For Dixon, Son Of Man Who Died On LandRover Mission To Thailand
Helplessness Of Giving Your Email Info - No More?
Flickr-Style Listing
Old is Better. New is just More
Tada - Share A List
Understanding 'Derived Works'
Invented: See Through Wall Technology
Few Days I Never Listen Only, Then Close Down Liao?
Voice Over IP is HERE!!
Taupok: Might As Well Start A Sitcom Now
Bye Bye Norton Anti-Virus!
Peeping Tom For Dummies
Open Fire!
was formerly titled: Ewww! Integrity is dead
Social, Sharing, Keywords
Japanese phone (on the move) can download faster than your big fat broadband
Animal Instinct
Videos of Tsunami
The Next Tsunami
OMG! Good Ol' Apple II Comes Alive!
Bad Behavin'
Hacking Coke Vending Machines
Chicken Pox!
CommandLineTask: Running Ant repeatedly without the slow inits
P2P File Editing Mechanism
Power In Print
The anticipation of having something is often more fun than actually having it
Today is Monday.
You gotta love Google's Javascript/WebUI Team
Standards Agnostic Design of RssFwd
EasyI18N: Making software internationalisation (i18n) as an after-thought
Poor Man's CRM
a2e: Arctic to Equator!!
Pet Peeves and Java
myRssFwd: The Desktop Application
RssFwd v0.2
rssfwd v0.1a
Batteries Not Included
One, To Rule Them All
Puffin! At Long Last!.
A dotcom content management would've been so different
Upload Applet - Part 2
Monday, Latest, Final, Final_fixed, Final2
Hello again, Xbox
Paradox of a Programmer's Worth
Unit Testing Framework
Groovy Rails
Hello Xbox. Hello Linux. Hello my new PC.
Blog On!
iMac G5
Boot from Google anyone?
Groovy Ruby
How Now Brown Cow?
Best Game Review I've Seen
Calling it a day
Sour Grape
Born Free
Upload Applet
Biased about Google's Picasa?
Patch Process
Gmail - Action Pack #2
Programmers Aren't Designers
Gmail - Action Pack #1
Gmail... Love'em.. Hate'em
Bugs. Process of Testing
How's Puffin gonna do it?
I Dedicate This To [Insert your boss's name]
Finally!!!... Puffin... search your own PC!
Gonna get busy
Quote of the Day
i18n.. aka Internationalisation
Feedback and FAQ
Open Sourcing Enabling Technologies as Business
First Day
Open Source MMORPG?
Official Hosting
Granny Birthday
Navigating, instead of Browsing
How many crazy ah-bengs can you meet in a single drive home?
Another Blackout?!
Much Ado About Nothing
Y-Anime internal version 1.10
Good Beginnings
four and a half years
iso-metric engine
My Demise
Late nights
I am back
subscribe via RSS